Thursday, July 03, 2008

Crise Financeira (2007-2008): colapso à vista nos EUA?

Citando o jornal holandês Finantial Telegraph de 28 de Junho de 2008:

BRUSSEL/AMSTERDAM (DFT) - Fortis expects a complete breakdown of the American financial markets within days or weeks. This explains, according to the bank insurer, the series of interventions on Thursday with the aim of strengthening themselves by € 8 billion. "We are ready at the last moment. The U.S. is doing much worse than we had thought,” said Fortis chairman Maurice Lippens, who insists that CEO Votron shall not be replaced. Fortis expects bankruptcies of 6000 U.S. banks that have low coverage. "But the same goes also for Citigroup and General Motors, and thereby starts a complete meltdown in the U.S..”
O artigo depois continua explicando como o grupo financeiro holandês-belga Fortis (Banco e Seguradora) está a passar por uma situação aflitiva, não faltando quem peça a demissão do seu executivo (CEO). O Fortis perdeu cerca de 67% do valor das suas acções desde o ano passado.


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