Monday, September 12, 2005

"It can be said that the U.S. economy is run either very well or very badly. On the plus side, companies are lean, and downsized as needed to stay profitable, or at least in business. There are bankruptcy laws that weed out the unfit and competition to keep productivity going up. Businesses use just-in-time delivery to cut down on inventory and make heavy use of information technology to work out the logistics of operating in a global economy.

On the minus side, the U.S. economy runs ever larger structural deficits. It fails to provide the majority of the population with the sort of economic security that people in other developed nations take for granted. It spends more on medicine and education than many other countries, and gets less for it. Instead of a single government-owned airline, it has several permanently bankrupt government-supported ones. It spends heavily on law enforcement, and has a high crime rate. It continues to export high-wage manufacturing jobs and replace them with low-wage service jobs. As I mentioned before, it is, technically, bankrupt."

Dimitry Orlov, excerto do ensaio "Lições pós-Soviéticas para um século pós-Americano"

Uma análise não-marxista mas razoavelmente correcta, acerca de uma economia insustentável e a sua tendência para o colapso. Mas apenas uma espreitadela de uma análise mais profunda que tem em conta o Pico do Petróleo.


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