Wednesday, August 03, 2005

As revelações do livro "Crossing The Rubicon"

Não resisto a mostrar uma passagem do livro do excelente jornalista-investigador Michael Ruppert sobre o 11 de setembro e o Pico do Petróleo que estou a ler.

A passagem seguinte demonstra que a classe dominate e o establishment (e não apenas o Dick Cheney) tinham conhecimento da necessidade vital por petróleo dos EUA por causa da crise energética, a escassez de petróleo e alta de preços que já hoje estamos a viver. A revelação é de um importante Think Tank e de um dos falcões, James Baker, do establishment norte-americano. Já agora hoje o preço do barril de petróleo bateu mais um record ao chegar aos 62.43 dólares. Aqui está o excerto:

«In April 2001 the Council on Foreign Relations and James A. Baker (Secretary of State for G.H.W. Bush - Bush pai) published a detailed study of world energy problems.»
Citando o relatório:
«Strong economic growth across the globe and new global demands for more energy have meant the end of surplus of sustained capacity in hydrocarbon fuels and the begining of capacity limitations. In fact, the world is currently precariously close to utilizing all of its available global oil production capacity, rising the chances of an oil supply crisis with more substancial consequences than seen in three decades.
Thes choices will affect other US policy objectives: US policy toward the Middle East; US policy toward the former Soviet Union and China; the fight against internacional terrorism.
Meanwhile, across much of the developing world, energy infrastructure is being severely tested by the expanding materal demands of a growing middle class, especially in the high growth, high-population economies of Asia. As demand growth collided with supply and capacity limits at the end of the last century, prices rose across the energy spectrum, at home and abroad.»

Citação adicional do relatório:
«Oil price spikes since 1940s have always been followed by a recession.»


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